22 April 2009

2009 April 19 Sea Otter Circuit Race 35+ 4

CTL: 102
TSB: 25
These numbers are kind of deceptive because I didn't ride my bike for four days last week and was only able to ride easy this week since I have been sick for a few weeks and only starting to recover. Would have skipped today's race but I already paid for it and have never done it so figured I would at least get one lap on video...

The course is pretty nice, worth doing at least once on the road bike. Totally blew the second time up the climb. We doing 5w/kg for two minutes on the climb then not to hard for the other four minutes of the lap, could only do that once, and couldn't breathe any more on the second climb.

2009 Sea Otter Circuit Race E4/35+4/45+4 from Steven Woo on Vimeo.

until I was pulled
T: 34:31
S: 31.1
D: 17.9 km
C: 85

graph until I blew
seaotter circuit 35+ 4 2009

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